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Penthouse Helmstraat

Architecture with flat roofs has advantages. It can be extended infinitely.

This penthouse offers, amongst others, a panoramic view of Scheveningen, the sea, Kijkduin, The Hague and the Stolkpark. The penthouse guarantees complete privacy, neither neighbours nor passers-by can look in. If the sun shines, the occupants can enjoy it all day long. In the morning the sun will awake you, in the afternoon the sun will tan your skin and in the evening you can enjoy a romantic dinner with the sunset as background.

The house has an almost completely transparent front and is not hindered by sun blinds or net curtains. A sophisticated slat system provides shadow and keeps out annoying radiation. It goes without saying, the house is fitted with all modern conveniences. An advanced elevator will take the occupant and visitor to the third floor, 11 mtr above street level.

A lantern above the highest roof creates day light in both stair case and walled-in hall. Giant glass facades on both sides of the entrance hall create a wonderful view of the city on one side and of the sea on the other side. The house doesn’t have a traditional lay-out; there is a smooth transition from one room to the other. Each room offers direct access to either terrace or balcony. Of course, the house meets all comfort-requirements such as: acoustic and thermal insulation, underfloor heating and mechanical insulation.

The main advantages of this house are its wonderful location and its magnificent view. The penthouse was architect-designed by Engineer Rainer Bullhorst, architect and urban planner in The Hague.

Dimensions: circa 160 m2, of which circa 40 m2 terrace

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